
CallbacksEvent callback

Event type

At the group, device type, or device level, you can configure alerts that are triggered upon event occurrence.

Creation procedure

  1. Go to the desired Group, Device type or Device page.
  2. In the left column click on "Event configuration".
  3. Click on the "New" button in the top right corner.
  4. Choose your connector (Custom callback or UnaConnect)
  5. Choose the event type you want to configure in the "Event type" drop-down menu.



Triggered by

Available variables

Break in message sequence

A minor gap in the sequence number is observed.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceLastSeqnumber, deviceMessageSeqnumber, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime

Off contract

A device's token has reached its communication end date and/or was unable to retrieve a new token.

If a new device tries to get a token on a contract where no token is available or activation end date is reached, the device switches off contract

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceMessageTime, deviceShortCause, deviceCause, deviceInfo, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState, contractIds, expectedSubscriptionDurationEndTime, expectedTokenEndTime

Out of message sequence

A major gap in the sequence number is observed.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceExpectedSeqnumber, deviceMessageSeqnumber, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime

On contract

A device has been added to a device type associated with this contract.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, businessOperatorId, contractId, contractIds, subscriptionState

Receive first test message

A device has sent its first test message.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState

Receive first payable message

A device has been activated.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState


A device's subscription duration has been prolonged on the ongoing contract.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, previousContractId, subscriptionState


A device subscription is manually put on hold.

Backend GUI "Suspend" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, previousContractId, userId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState


A device subscription was on hold and is manually resumed.

Backend GUI "Resume" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, userId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState

Replaced to

The replace feature has been used, this event regards the target device.

Backend GUI "Replace" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceSourceId, deviceDestinationId, contractId, subscriptionState

Invalid private key

There is an issue on the device side that may be due to a wrong configuration, memory leakage or other. Please contact your modem provider.

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceMessageTime, deviceInfo, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState

Change device type

A device is transferred between two device types

Backend GUI "Transfer" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, previousDeviceTypeId, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, contractId, contractIds, subscriptionState

Replaced by

The replace feature has been used, this event regards the origin device.

Backend GUI "Replace" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceSourceId, deviceDestinationId, contractId, subscriptionState

Receive first repeated message

A repeater has sent its first message

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState

Intra transfer

A device has been transferred between two device types associated with different contracts from the same order.

Backend GUI "Transfer" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, previousContractId, contractId, previousDeviceTypeId, deviceTypeId, groupId, tokenState

Extra transfer

A device is transferred between two device types associated with different contracts from different orders.

Backend GUI "Transfer" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, previousContractId, contractId, previousDeviceTypeId, deviceTypeId, groupId, tokenState


A device token exits the off-contract status.

Backend GUI "Restart" feature

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, userId, businessOperatorId, contractId, subscriptionState


A device exceeds the number of uplink messages in a single day (UTC based)

Sigfox Cloud

time, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceMessageTime, contractId, businessOperatorId, deviceTypeId, groupId, subscriptionState
Contract switchA device has switched to another contract while renewing its subscriptionSigfox Cloudtime, severity, sourceId, sourceType, eventType, deviceTypeId, groupId, deviceInfo, deviceMessageTime, networkOperatorId, businessOperatorId, contractId, previousContractId, subscriptionState

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