
Device managementPrinciples

Link Quality: general knowledge

SIGFOX provides a Link Quality indicator (LQI) based on:

  • Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
  • Number of stations that received a message (receiver redundancy)
  • RC zone, due to the difference between the RCs (see Radio Configuration)

 RC1, RC3, RC5, RC6, and RC7:

RSSINumber of base stationsLink Quality indicator
-135dBm < RSSI -122dBm3GOOD
-122dBm < RSSI1 or 2GOOD
-135dBm < RSSI -122dBm1 or 2AVERAGE
RSSI -135dBmanyLIMIT

RC2 and RC4:

RSSINumber of base stationsLink Quality indicator
-127dBm < RSSI -114dBm3GOOD
-114dBm < RSSI1 or 2GOOD
-127dBm < RSSI -114dBm1 or 2AVERAGE
RSSI -127dBmanyLIMIT

Number of base stations :

This is the number of base stations that received the message complying the RSSI threshold(s)

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