Receive first payable message
A device has been activated.
Variable | Type | Format | Description |
time | string | Epoch time in seconds | Event trigger time |
sourceType | string | DEVICE | The type of resource that triggered the event |
sourceId | string | hexadecimal | Identifier of the device at the origin of the event |
severity | string | INFO | The severity of the event |
eventType | string | RECEIVER_FIRST_MESSAGE | The event type |
deviceInfo | object | id: string (hexa) name: string state: string last communication: string (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) last purge: string (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) average signal: float (dB) timeout: string (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | Information about the device |
deviceMessageTime | string | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Message reception time |
deviceTypeId | string | hexadecimal | DeviceType identifier for the Device |
groupId | string | hexadecimal | Group identifier for the Device |
networkOperatorId | string | hexadecimal | Identifier of the Operator owning the first station to receive the triggering message |
businessOperatorId | string | hexadecimal | Identifier of the Operator owning the device |
contractId | string | hexadecimal | Identifier of the contract the device is associated with |
subscriptionState | string | enum :
| The status of the device subscription |